Month: March 2024

New campus club offers storytelling and role-playing fun
The newest club on the Forest Park campus requires students to “get into character.” The Dungeons and Dragons Club, also known as the DnD Club, revolves around the table-top storytelling and role-playing game by the same name. […]

SKY’S THE LIMIT: Transphobia harmful, sometimes deadly
Recently, multiple laws have been passed or proposed to take away basic human rights, harming minority groups. While some of them may seem unbelievable, they’re all meant to undermine anybody who isn’t able-bodied, cis, heterosexual or male. […]

Help available for students in need
The Student Advocacy and Resource Center on campus provides free groceries, clothing, and other help for students in need, but many don’t even know it exists. […]

Patrols increase after reports of wild drivers
Forest Park students and employees have complained to campus police and a nearby principal about high school students allegedly speeding and driving erratically through campus this semester. […]