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TASTE BUDS: Going nuts for almonds

February 16, 2018

Feb. 16 is National Almond Day!  The tasty nut originated in central and southwest Asia, becoming a staple food that helped sustain long journeys of nomadic tribes, according to the National Almond Day page of […]

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GUEST VIEW: Weathered but beautiful

July 28, 2017

How about a little Art Appreciation 101? We’ve all probably walked by the wooden-looking statue outside A Tower and the library, possibly not taking much notice of this withered yet human-appearing form missing arms and legs like many famous old sculptures. […]

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FLIP SIDE: School of thought on the tiger mom

June 30, 2017

What is a tiger mom? It’s a parent who has some of these characteristics: pushing her child to excel, perhaps sending him or her to a Montessori school; enrolling the child in a gifted program, testing his or her IQ at an early age; trying out different private schools; even starting college preparatory testing by the fourth grade. […]

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FLIP SIDE: Rich could solve health care crisis

May 5, 2017

Dear “Doctor” Donald Trump: You’re trying to eliminate Obamacare and replace it with legislation that would cut coverage to millions. The existing law is the best thing to come along thus far, providing relatively affordable coverage to working people, a goal stated by another Republican president, Richard Nixon, in 1972. […]

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FLIP SIDE: Religion can be a matrix of choices

March 25, 2017

When I was little, I asked my dad, “Do you believe in God?” He said, “No, we are atheists.” Coming from communist states Russia and Poland, atheism is all he knew. Nevertheless, when I started kindergarten at a public school in Ohio, my parents sent me to an orthodox Jewish synagogue for Sunday school […]

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FLIP SIDE: You have a choice with mental illness

February 24, 2017

If you are a Forest Park student with a mental illness, be sure you know your rights. If you don’t know your rights, make an appointment with an Access Office counselor right away to discuss them.  You may qualify for extra time on tests or extensions on assignments. You may be able to use a tape recorder in class and possibly get a note taker. […]

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SPEAKING OUT: A single mom’s drive to succeed

October 7, 2016

Have you ever faced the predicament of having so many goals that you didn’t know where to start? This is how I wake up every morning as the 33-year-old single mother of three and a sophomore at Forest Park. It wasn’t always like this. In 2003, I enrolled in college for the first time. I was very excited and optimistic about my future. […]

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THINK ABOUT IT: Making a case for higher pay

July 22, 2016

How did we get a minimum wage anyway? In the 1930s, during the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt enacted a series of programs called the New Deal that focused on bettering the lives of American workers. […]

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