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UNCENSORED: Decision fatigue is cramping my style

December 7, 2018

There is one week of classes left before finals, and many deadlines are approaching, yet I have no inspiration or motivation to complete my assignments. The problem? Decision fatigue. It’s a condition that is caused when a person has had so many choices and made so many decisions over a period of time, they’re too tired to continue. […]

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UNCENSORED: It’s time to take the shame out of sex

November 16, 2018

My family immigrated to the United States when I was 5 years old, but I was raised to be a Muslim Afghan woman. I’ve always had conflicting thoughts about sex. As a child and young adult, I never heard the word “sex” uttered by relatives or friends in my community. It was considered dirty, shameful, taboo. I was told that if I had sex before marriage, I would burn in hell. […]

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WEIGHING IN: Stand up to bullies

November 2, 2018

The New York Post recently published a story about an elementary school student who had been bullied for three years but refused to fight back because, he said, “It’s not the Jedi way.” The student’s name is Aiden Vasquez, and he’s 10 years old. In August, he was pushed against a wall by another student, causing lacerations on his cheek  and under his eyebrow, and his eye was bloodied. […]

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UNCENSORED: Vote! It’s your right and responsibility

November 2, 2018

Midterm elections are right around the corner, and I can’t help but feel nauseous. During any election, some people get stressed out, anxious and grumpy, spreading negative energy across the nation. This year, everywhere I turn, someone is talking about the importance of the Nov. 6 election and the impact it will have on the presidency. Republicans now run both chambers of Congress. […]

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UNCENSORED: Can you hold it? I’m writing a paper

October 19, 2018

Welcome to my office. It’s the most peaceful spot in my home. It’s private, relaxing and quiet. It’s where I go when I need room to think. It’s where I find inspiration and motivation. Maybe it’s the sweet aroma of the orange-blossom candles that gives me a sense of tranquility. Or the fresh, crisp air that blows through an open window. I can sit on my porcelain throne, thoughts flushing in and out of my mind. […]

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UNCENSORED: Letting kids bloom like flowers

October 5, 2018

Imagine you’re a gardener and you want to grow beautiful flowers. You hope to attract visitors with their beauty, elegance and maybe even their fragrance. You know that you won’t use pesticides, or synthetic or sewage-based fertilizers. To achieve this, you amend the soil and make sure that sunlight and water are adequate. […]

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UNCENSORED: Take out the trash and heal

June 29, 2018

Take a moment and imagine what would happen if you didn’t take out the trash. A full trash bag has been sitting in your home for a few days. Banana peels are starting to rot. Meat thrown away from Thursday’s dinner is starting to stink. The few drops left in the milk carton are starting to curdle. The combination of smells swirl together to create that oh-so-familiar, “it’s-time-to-take-out-the-trash” stench. […]

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TASTE BUDS: A bouquet of sweetness

April 6, 2018

Edible arrangements can be a tasty substitute for flowers. But is it weird to order one for yourself? For those who aren’t familiar with edible arrangements, or who have never had the pleasure of devouring one, it’s an assortment of fruit, often covered in chocolate, and served in a vase like flowers. In 1999, an American entrepreneur named Tariq Farid developed a new business concept for fruit bouquets with his brother, Kamran Farid. […]

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STATE OF MIND: Vote for stricter gun control

March 23, 2018

It’s been a month since the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., left 17 people dead and 14 wounded. It’s time to stop dancing around the idea of stricter gun control and actually do something. A recent Gallup poll found that 67 percent of Americans want stricter laws governing the sale of firearms, a record high since the survey began in 1993. […]

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TASTE BUDS: Going nuts for almonds

February 16, 2018

Feb. 16 is National Almond Day!  The tasty nut originated in central and southwest Asia, becoming a staple food that helped sustain long journeys of nomadic tribes, according to the National Almond Day page of […]

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