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OFF THE WALL: Chauncey in charge

February 18, 2014

Question: Who constantly naps throughout the day, eats food he never pays for and occasionally poops in my shower? Answer: My roommate. No, I don’t share an apartment with the ghost of Chris Farley. I’m talking about my 18-pound cat, Chauncey, and I have a confession to make — I love the big goof. Honestly, I never pictured myself as much of a cat guy. Sure, we had a few felines growing up around the house, but on a personality scale, they were about a notch above my mom’s Precious Moments collection. […]

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EDITOR’S DESK: Net neutrality is a good thing

December 9, 2013

Maybe you have heard about the threat to net neutrality in the last few weeks, but what is net neutrality and why does it matter? Net neutrality is the principle that an Internet service provider, like Charter or Verizon, can’t give preferential treatment to any website. Whether it’s Twitter or a small, niche website, the consumer gets the same connection speed. […]

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POINT: Christmas presents are awesome

December 9, 2013

Christmastime is here again! But amid all the hustle and bustle, it’s easy to forget the reason for the season: Presents! It’s like the end of the year rolls around and someone says, “Here Justin, take a bunch of crap you don’t need.” Yes, please! Christmas is my favorite time of year. It’s not that I’m superficial; I just love stuff. Call me a nut, but it seems like every time they come out with a latest this or greatest that, I’m log jamming my Amazon wish list faster than you can utter “obsolete technology.” Come on people, it slices and dices? […]

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COUNTER POINT: Christmas creep is annoying

December 9, 2013

Well, it’s Christmastime again. Jolly jingles are permeating the airwaves, lights and trees have gone up in and on houses, and stores have been cramming the season down our throats for months now. And every year, it gets a little harder for me to stomach. It’s not that I don’t have a lot to be thankful for, because I do. It’s not that I have a history of bad Christmases, either. With only a few exceptions, they’ve been great. I’m not the religious type, but I recognize that Christmas, if nothing else, is a time to be caring and kind to others and to enjoy the many blessings we’re afforded, especially those of family and friends. […]

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EDITOR’S DESK: Get extra help online

November 18, 2013

Every year, Forest Park offers remedial classes for students who need extra help. Some find themselves taking three or four classes before earning the required credits for their majors. But recently, I found a way to get around this. It’s called the Internet. I have been using the Internet, mostly a website called Khan Academy, to get ready for some of the rigorous mathematics classes I will be taking in the spring as an economics major at University of Missouri-St. Louis, and the experience has been great. […]

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SPEAK OUT: Giving up isn’t an option

November 18, 2013

My husband and I simultaneously leaned in to make sure we were reading the indicators on the little white stick correctly. Sure enough, the result was positive. Those two blue lines would change the course of my life. My mind raced back to the moment we were standing in line to pay for the pregnancy test. The cashier looked at the box and glanced up at me. “You sure you don’t need two of these?” she asked. […]

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AT YOUR SERVICE: Services help students graduate

November 18, 2013

Each and every student attending Forest Park has access to campus programs with capable staff members who can help him or her graduate. With today’s tight job market, graduates need degree-specific knowledge and marketable skills, such as networking and public speaking. They also need to dress professionally to enhance their appeal. “Take advantage of your education,” said Keith Ware, coordinator for the African-American Male Initiative at Florissant Valley and Forest Park. “Don’t take it for granted.” […]

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Get ready for Halloween fright and fun

October 28, 2013

My favorite time of year, Halloween, is finally here. Fortunately, St. Louis has plenty to offer for those who want to be scared or entertained or show their kids a good time. The biggest name in local Halloween frights is ScareFest, owned by Larry Kirchner. Every October, it offers a trio of haunted experiences that are hard to beat. It’s the first thing many people think of when it comes to Halloween, and for good reason. […]

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Funny story calms fears

October 28, 2013

When I was young, Halloween was one of the most anticipated days of the year. I never knew its origin until recently, but as children, we rarely concerned ourselves with the why. We just knew Halloween was a really big deal. I loved to see the houses decorated with ghosts, scarecrows, witches, spider webs and jack-o-lanterns. I liked going to community events, especially dances at school, the rec center and city hall, where everyone wore costumes. […]

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Open swim hours are back

October 28, 2013

Looking for ways to burn calories this winter? Searching for a new recreational activity to keep you busy? Officials have reinstituted open swim hours for students, faculty, staff and alumni at the Forest Park pool this fall.  “We found a person to work during (open hours),” said Kirk Martin, facilities supervisor for physical education and athletics. The pool was only open for swimming classes over the summer. No open hours were scheduled the first half of summer because the physical-education department went over budget on part-time employees and had to reduce staff, Martin said. […]

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