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SPEAKING OUT: If you see bullying, do something

July 28, 2014

“She’s stupid!” That’s what a student yelled after I gave an incorrect answer in my middle-school math class. It was embarrassing. Later that day, I was walking down the hall with an armload of books, and another student shoved me into a locker. It hurt. My school counselor told me I was a victim of bullying. I didn’t realize that’s what was happening at the time, but kids picked on me throughout middle school. Some days I felt hopeless, and other days I was sad. […]

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JUST SAYIN’: Changing TV channels was a childhood chore

July 28, 2014

I’ve been around for a while. Better than half a century. And I’ve done a lot of interesting things in my life. In no particular order, my “titles” have included photographer, lifeguard, soldier, medic, living organ donor, published poet, illustrator, surveyor, inspector, cardboard factory worker, sewer plant employee and pipefitter. I’m a son, a father, a husband, a divorcee, an athlete, a carpenter and a gas-station attendant. […]

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EDITOR’S DESK: Many brain “facts” are fiction

July 28, 2014

Wouldn’t it be cool to use more than 10 percent of your brain? Imagine what you could accomplish if you tapped into that other 90 percent. Actually, it’s pointless to think about it. The popular notion that we use only 10 percent of our brains is completely bogus. Different parts of the human brain are constantly working, whether we are doing mindless things like breathing and walking — or writing a column past deadline. […]

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EDITOR’S DESK: Think outside the box when picking major

July 1, 2014

Like many students, I had a hardtime choosing a college major. I enrolled at Forest Park after high school without a clue about what I wanted to do, but no one seemed to think it was a problem. “You’ll eventually figure it out,” my parents said. Then after three semesters, that became “Have you figured it out, yet?” I considered several majors, including sociology, philosophy and English literature. It would have been hard to accuse me of being a pragmatist. When I started writing for The Scene a few semesters back, I became convinced that journalism was for me. […]

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SPEAKING OUT: Reality TV stars aren’t good parents

July 1, 2014

I have a confession to make: I love reality TV. Each week, I carve time out of my hectic schedule of school, work and family to glue myself to the couch and absorb all the garbage being thrown at me from the television. And yes, I realize the shows are scripted. Do the producers really expect us to believe the Kardashians work out all their family problems by the end of each hour-long episode? Or what about the raunchy show “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta”? No way would Kirk have the audacity to play his wife like that on national television. […]

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JUST SAYIN’: Dad teaches lesson on color blindness

July 1, 2014

Are you aware that hate is a learned behavior? Oh yes, my friends, learned. By everyone it seems – family, friends, peers, acquaintances. No one is safe. Hate can breed like a gaggle of KKK rabbits. It knows no boundaries in terms of race, ethnicity, sex, age, economics, social status or common sense. Let me tell you about one of my early lessons in racial understanding. On a Saturday evening in 1972, my father, a Shriner, took us to the Cincinnati convention center to see the Shrine circus. Lions, tigers, bears, oh my! On the way home, my father casually told my brother and I, “No work, no ball.” […]

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OFF THE WALL: I’m not heavy … I’m their brother

May 5, 2014

To grab attention from a fleeing audience, makers of the iconic board game Monopoly conducted a poll to find out which of its game pieces were most popular. Normally, there’s nothing I’m up for more than a little procrastination via the Internet, but in this case, I didn’t have to click any further to know the answer to Parker Brothers’ question. […]

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SPEAKING OUT: Don’t be a lazy smoker

May 5, 2014

Smoking’s bad for you. That’s been pretty much universally agreed upon since the ‘60s or ‘70s. To paraphrase the comedian Denis Leary, nobody reads the surgeon general’s warning and says, “I thought cigarettes were good for you! I thought they had vitamin C in them!” In recent years, officials have enacted increasingly tighter controls on smoking in private and public places. It’s an effort to protect those who don’t smoke from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke coming from those who do. […]

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SPEAKING OUT: Money woes are preventable

April 21, 2014

I love money. Obviously, I’m not alone. It’s not like most people are going to turn it down when it’s offered. While having money is awesome, spending it is even better — and that’s where the problem lies. The thing that many of us want the most is too easily lost. But all too often, that money goes toward frivolous things that we just don’t need. […]

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EDITOR’S DESK: Academic activities can help in career

April 7, 2014

I have always loved to read and write. I can remember spending lazy summer days curled up with a good book as a kid. I would get lost into the wonderful world of fiction for hours, always dreading to return to reality. As a teenager, I spent several sleepless nights pouring my soul onto a piece of paper after a messy breakup with my boyfriend. However, as I grew older, I locked away my gift and buried it in the sea of unlived dreams. Until I came to college, that is. […]

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