Chancellor Pittman releases statement on George Floyd case

June 4, 2020

St. Louis Community College Chancellor Jeff L. Pittman has released a statement on the American crisis caused by the death of George Floyd, promising that STLCC campuses will continue to be safe places for the “vigorous exchange of ideas and viewpoints.” […]

St. Louis Community College Chancellor Jeff Pittman appears in the lower right-hand corner of the computer screen during his second "virtual town hall" with faculty members.

Town hall gives updates on commencement, budget, fall classes

May 15, 2020

In his second “virtual town hall,” St. Louis Community College Chancellor Jeff Pittman discussed how the college is responding to the evolving challenges of COVID-19, including updates on when employees might return to work, the budget, spring commencement, planning for fall semester and whether any layoffs or furloughs are being considered. […]

St. Louis Community College Chancellor Jeff Pittman is shown in the lower righthand corner of a computer screen during a Zoom meeting for faculty and staff on Friday. (Photo by Fred Ortlip)

Chancellor updates faculty and staff on coronavirus fallout

April 20, 2020

St. Louis Community College Chancellor Jeff Pittman updated about 300 faculty and staff members on Friday with a wide-ranging, nearly 30-minute PowerPoint presentation on how the college is responding to COVID-19, the disease that has wreaked havoc on people and economies around the world. […]

Construction equipment has been moved from the Forest Park campus, where the COVID-19 pandemic is delaying demolition of A and B towers. (Photo by Joshua Phelps)

A and B tower demolition delayed

April 20, 2020

The demolition of A and B towers on the Forest Park campus has been delayed indefinitely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. St. Louis Community College initially planned to tear them down in mid-March. […]

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At least one STLCC student has coronavirus, maybe three

April 6, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to demand a new way of life for St. Louis Community College students, faculty, and staff. Classes moved online last week, and the Forest Park campus is closed, except for a few essential employees. Faculty and staff are allowed to access classrooms and offices only four hours a day, two days a week. […]

The Forest Park grounds will remain quiet for the next few weeks due to the coronavirus pandemic. St. Louis Community College extended spring break for an extra week. Classes will go online March 30.

Coronavirus prompts big changes at STLCC

March 23, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc on schools, businesses, hospitals, governments and organizations throughout the United States, and St. Louis Community College is no exception. […]

A periodical table of elements sign is one of the few educational items left amid debris in room A-110, a science lecture hall being prepared for demolition. See more photos on pages 4-5. (Photo by Markell Tompkins)

Towers to be demolished soon

March 6, 2020

St. Louis Community College officials have been talking about tearing down the A and B towers at Forest Park for more than two years, and now the time has come. Demolition is slated for mid-March, according to Ken Kempfe, STLCC engineer and design manager. […]

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