Food drive to help needy students

November 13, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many Forest Park students to lose their jobs or see their work hours cut. That’s one of the reasons a food drive is being planned this month by employees in Academic Success and Tutoring, Campus Life and the Student Assistance Program. […]

Forest Park emplyees, from left, Lori Orlando, Keith Hulsey and Tiffany Bush depart the G Tower parking lot on Oct. 16 for a tour of the “other” Forest Park. (Photo by Fred Ortlip)

New Wellness group gets off to a slow roll

October 30, 2020

As COVID-19 cases surge again and pandemic fatigue grips a weary country, a group of Forest Park employees have formed a Wellness Committee to help address the needs of faculty, students and staff in this challenging time. […]

Oct. 7 deadline for voter registration

October 2, 2020

Stacia Thompson will vote for the first time ever in the Nov. 3 general election. The 19-year-old psychology major plans to cast her ballot for former Vice President Joe Biden, a Democrat running against President Donald Trump. […]

Philip Teare, financial aid campus manager at STLCC Forest Park, assists Brittni Hubbard, 20, studying radiology technology, with financial aid documents. (Photo by Fred Ortlip)

We’re back (sort of)

September 18, 2020

Forest Park is offering in-person classes this fall, but only a few hundred students are allowed on campus at a time due to COVID-19. Many are working from home. […]

Campus will be quiet and cautious this fall

August 11, 2020

Fall semester classes are scheduled to start in a couple of weeks at Forest Park, and plans are still evolving, but it’s clear that campus life will be very different due to the COVID-19 pandemic. […]

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