Forest Park cafeteria to return this fall

March 24, 2023

Forest Park is bringing back its cafeteria after two years without one. St. Louis Community College has contracted with a national catering company that is expected to begin operating in time for fall semester. […]

Map of STLCC-Forest Park campus

Campus to get two new buildings

March 3, 2023

Hospitality and transportation are the big winners at Forest Park in a capital improve­ment plan that was unveiled by St. Louis Community College officials recently. […]

Child-care center nears completion

December 9, 2022

It’s been more than 12 years since Forest Park closed its child-care center, causing widespread controversy in the campus community. The college announced last year that it would bring back the center, and officials now expect it to open during spring semester. […]

Weeds sprout in a granite-filled planting bed on the north side of the Forest Park library building along Oakland Avenue, next to a rusty railing.

President promises campus improvements

October 21, 2022

Signs of neglect could be found throughout the Forest Park campus over the summer. Buildings scarred by crumbling concrete, rusted panels and cracked walls. Weedy flower beds and stone-filled planters. More than a dozen trees dead or dying. Ripped banners. Dry fountains. […]


College surplus heads to landfill

October 21, 2022

St. Louis Community College has thrown away hundreds of desks, chairs, filing cabinets and other items from the Forest Park campus in the past few weeks, including some in good condition. […]

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