Edward Alexander, president of the Forest Park Veterans Club, speaks to Interim President Roderick Nunn at the special SGA meeting. (Photo by Tina Alberico)

Nunn weighs in on Metro controversy

November 3, 2014

Interim Forest Park President Roderick Nunn heard an earful at a special Student Government Association meeting Oct. 22 about Metro’s decision to stop selling discounted semester bus passes to students 24 and older. […]

Ferguson protester Britney Ferrell uses a megaphone to speak to Meramec students at the teach-in on Oct. 13. (Photo provided by Suzan Dague)

Meramec students stage walkout

November 3, 2014

Students, faculty and staff on St. Louis Community College campuses have held several events to support the Ferguson protestors and promote peaceful activism, including listening circles, a clothing drive, a quilt and T-shirt exhibit and a day spent cleaning up after looters. […]

Columnist named “emerging scholar”

November 3, 2014

Don Dixon’s life has been a wild ride. He served in the Army, worked on the railroad, built houses in Florida, hung out with a biker gang and donated a kidney. “I bore easily, but I am content here in St. Louis,” said Dixon, 55, who stands out in a crowd with his white hair, bushy eyebrows and Fu Manchu mustache. […]

New Vice President Franklin Taylor, center, visits with culinary art students, clockwise, Tamekia Robinson, 35, Anylynn Myers, 21, George Hanson, 49, and Stephen Hacker, 24, in the cafeteria. (Photo by Tina Alberico)

New vice president is well-traveled

October 20, 2014

Franklin Taylor brings a world of experience to his new job as Forest Park’s vice president of student affairs. That includes a strong family upbringing in his native West Africa, three graduate degrees and nearly two decades of college administrative experience in the United States. […]

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District snuffs out E-cigs

October 20, 2014

Electronic cigarettes will no longer be allowed on St. Louis Community College campuses following a decision Aug. 14 by the Board of Trustees to amend the districtwide tobacco ban to include the smoking devices. The change is already in effect. “This ban is not new, but e-cigarettes are a new portion of it,” said Forest Park Police Chief Richard Banahan said. The Trustees unanimously passed the revised version of Board Policy B.23 to include the words “illegal substances, and all forms of electronic smoking devices.” […]

Nursing student Donshay Smith and her classmates work out on treadmills in a Fitness I class in the fitness center. (Photo by Yuanyuan Ji )

Students question fitness policy

October 8, 2014

The Forest Park fitness center is only open to students in physical-education classes, and other students wonder why. “Everyone should be allowed to use (the fitness center), as long as they are registered students of St. Louis Community College,” said computer science major Terry Lewis, 34. It’s not just a Forest Park issue. Students on all STLCC campuses must be enrolled in physical-education classes to use fitness centers. […]

Left to right, DeMarco Burr, Matt Holley, Kirk Martin, Nikita Anthony and Brandon Haywood hold a Voices meeting in the Campus Life office. (Photo by Evan Sandel)

LGBT club makes a comeback

October 8, 2014

The club known as “Voices” for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students is returning to the Forest Park campus after a four-year absence. “For me, the goal of the club is for (LGBT students) to know that they have advocates here on campus that support them,” said Nakita Anthony […]

Early childhood education major Jessica Powells Bey, 18, left, and graphic design major Diamond Barber, 18, study on the newly renovated patio. (Photo by Quyen Huynh)

Campus construction projects continue

October 8, 2014

Larger construction projects at Forest Park have been completed, and students can now walk across the main patio unimpeded by supplies and equipment. But smaller campus improvements and repairs will continue this fall. […]

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