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Students shiver in Highlander

May 5, 2015

Almost everyone who walks in the Highlander Lounge has something to say about the temperature.  Most students think it’s too cold.  “The room is chilly,” said Malcolm Davis, 24, a criminal justice major. “It’s a lot colder in here than it is in the main lobby.” Constance Davis, 26, an early childhood education major, had stronger feelings. “I am freezing,” she said. “Skin clammy and uncomfortable. However, I could have chosen better attire to wear on this particular day.” Constance was wearing a sleeveless dress. […]

Professor defends Charlie Hebdo cartoons

May 5, 2015

Some people look at a Charlie Hebdo magazine cover and see prejudice, but not English professor Dan Yezbick. “It’s a common mode of satire,” he said. “It is meant to be very ironic. You show people how others appear idiotic because they are so out of touch.” Yezbick,41, gave a talk titled, “What’s So Funny About Racial Profiling? Art, Terror and Identity in the Charlie Hebdo Killings” in Café West at Forest Park last month. […]

‘Buddy’ fights child abuse

April 22, 2015

A playful wire statue of a boy is being used to get pledges from students, faculty, staff and visitors for Child Abuse Prevention Month in April. The statue, called “Blue Ribbon Buddy,” is displayed in the Highlander Lounge, along with a poster that reads, “We Support Strong Families and Safe Children.” […]

Club helps students explore faith

April 22, 2015

A new club at Forest Park gives students from different cultures a chance to socialize and talk about their faiths. The Global Faith Community became an official club this semester, but members of a core group have been friends for five years. […]

The Scene second in newspaper contest

April 22, 2015

The Scene won 22 awards at the Missouri College Media Association conference April 11 at Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville, Mo. The MCMA is an organization of student newspapers on university and college campuses across the state. Forest Park competes in Division 4, which includes community colleges. […]

Aldridge still “fighting” in Ferguson

April 13, 2015

The political landscape has changed dramatically since last fall, when Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon appointed Forest Park student Rasheen Aldridge to the Ferguson Commission. Developments have included a scathing Department of Justice report on Ferguson, the resignation or firing of six city officials and the shooting of two police officers. […]

Student lounge is history

April 13, 2015

A lounge off the Student Center lobby has been cleared out following complaints about student behavior. All the modern tables and chairs have been removed, leaving an empty carpeted area.“We had lots of complaints from students, employees and visitors,” said Franklyn Taylor, vice president of student affairs. […]

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Bowling fundraiser helps with student expenses

April 13, 2015

There’s still time to register for St. Louis Community College’s 11th annual Bowling for Scholars fundraiser this month. It’s organized by the STLCC Foundation and Auxiliary Services (campus bookstores). All proceeds go toward student scholarships for course materials, such as textbooks, and bus passes. “Come out and enjoy a cheap and fun social opportunity, interact with staff in a laid-back setting and have a good time networking,” said Christie Hart, Forest Park bookstore manager. […]

Young singer hits the stage as “Gabbii”

April 13, 2015

Forest Park student Alexis Jones is getting some notice for her songwriting and singing. The 17-year-old, who goes by the stage name “Gabbii,” recently sang two of her songs on FOX 2 News and performed her own concert at Maryville University in St. Louis County. […]

College hires new chancellor

March 30, 2015

St. Louis Community College’s new chancellor comes from an Indiana community college system with 32 campuses and nearly 200,000 students. Jeff Pittman, 58, of Avon, Ind., was one of 31 applicants and four finalists considered by the STLCC Board of Trustees. […]

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