Kingshighway bridge work forces detours
The Kingshighway Boulevard bridge near Forest Park is closed for construction for up to two years, forcing many students, faculty and staff to drive around it. […]
The Kingshighway Boulevard bridge near Forest Park is closed for construction for up to two years, forcing many students, faculty and staff to drive around it. […]
The 2016 presidential election campaign is well underway, and Forest Park students, like people all over the country, are developing views on the candidates and issues. In an informal campus poll, most students voiced support for U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, a liberal who has waged a strong challenge to frontrunner Hillary Clinton, former secretary of state, for the Democratic Party nomination. […]
The biggest change at community colleges in the past 45 years is what students are studying. That’s the conclusion drawn by Elizabeth Wilcoxson, 70, interim dean of Business, Math and Technology at Forest Park, who is retiring in December. […]
St. Louis Community College’s part-time faculty will unionize after a landslide election victory. The adjuncts voted 188-15 to organize with Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 1. Some 574 were eligible to cast ballots on Oct. 31 and Nov. 1. […]
Forest Park art professor Yingxue “Ying” Zuo grew up in China, but he returned to his homeland over the summer as a representative of his new country, the United States. […]
Many college students face difficult financial situations. Classes limit how much they can work, and they may have to pay for rent, gas and other expenses. […]
Changes in St. Louis Community College law enforcement will give more responsibility to two familiar faces at Forest Park.
Police officer Adis Becirovic is joining Mark Williams as a co-lieutenant. […]
Four-year universities send representatives to Forest Park to tell students what they have to offer, but it can be a lonely job. Miguel De Araujo, admissions counselor for Harris-Stowe State University, said eight to 10 students stop by his table in the second-floor lobby of the Student Center during his three- to four-hour visits. […]
Adjuncts at Forest Park and other St. Louis Community College campuses may unionize with the Service Employees International Union. Local SEIU representatives and an organizing committee of STLCC adjuncts (part-time faculty members) have been distributing literature and talking to other adjuncts in an effort to gain support. […]
The African-American Male Initiative is all about getting men to do the best they can in college. It focuses on black males, but other races aren’t turned away. […]
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