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Employees work hard to keep accreditation

May 5, 2017

It’s easy to write off the accreditation process as a bunch of bureaucratic red tape, but the stakes are high.  If St. Louis Community College wasn’t accredited, students wouldn’t be able to get financial aid or have their credits transferred to four-year universities. “The accreditation process might seem a big dry, but this is really important,” said Brenda French, Forest Park accreditation liaison. The entire STLCC district is preparing for an evaluation next year by the Higher Learning Commission, which accredits colleges and universities in 19 states, including Missouri. […]

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When police approach: What to say, do

May 5, 2017

Did you know that you should keep your hands on the steering wheel during a traffic stop so a police officer won’t think that you’re reaching for a weapon?  Are you aware that you can say “no” when a police officer asks to search your car because of your Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable searches and seizures? […]

Fitness center gives employees a lift

April 22, 2017

Forest Park faculty and staff no longer have to sign up for physical education classes to use the fitness center. That’s good news for Hazel Nettles, an enrollment services employee. “There will be more people using the fitness center now because before you had to pay for it,” she said. […]

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The Scene wins state awards

April 22, 2017

The Scene student newspaper won 25 awards at the Missouri College Media Association conference at Missouri  Western State University in St. Joseph, Mo., earlier this month. […]

Russian student finds stability in U. S.

April 22, 2017

U.S.-Russian relations have been strained since last fall, when U.S. intelligence officials announced that Vladimir Putin’s government had hacked Democratic Party emails in an effort to help Donald Trump win the presidential election. […]

Need help with homework?

April 22, 2017

 Forest Park has plenty of resources to help students succeed in college, and a big one is the Academic Support Center. Services include a math tutoring lab, a reading lab and a writing center. […]

College to eliminate P.E. requirement

March 25, 2017

Most future students at St. Louis Community College won’t have to take the two credits of physical education that are required of current students.  The STLCC Board of Trustees recently voted 4-3 to make the change, based on a proposal from the College Academic Council and a task force that included faculty members. […]

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College commemorates 1917 race riots

March 25, 2017

Photography major Kathy Carr had no idea that East St. Louis was the site of bloody race riots in 1917.  “It was horrific, tragic and unthinkable that innocent people were killed for no reason,” she said. Carr, 46, was one of about 200 people who attended a Jan. 23 program that commemorated the 100th anniversary of the riots. […]

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Graphic communications returning to Forest Park

March 25, 2017

Students and faculty are thrilled that the full graphic communications program is returning to Forest Park after a four-year hiatus. Many students have been forced to travel to the Meramec and Florissant Valley campuses of St. Louis Community College to take advanced classes since Forest Park phased out the program in the fall of 2012 and spring of 2013. […]

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