As we prepare for the upcoming general election, I should clear the air.
In April, I wrote a column reflecting on how the hardships I faced growing up shaped my core beliefs, especially those regarding modern politics and its many controversies.
But there was one thing I failed to mention: My general distrust of politicians and law enforcement.
Don’t get me wrong. I know how badly our society needs laws and people to enforce them. After all, chaos would likely ensue without any.
But what happens when extremists are in power making the laws? Or what about when law enforcement has far too much authority?
What happens when neither group is accountable, facing little to no consequences for their actions?
The answer: Corruption, tyranny and injustice.
History has shown us that unchecked power can lead to oppression, especially of vulnerable groups, and violations of human rights.
For instance, as learned via History 102, the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918 violated the First Amendment, removing people’s freedom of speech and restricting dissent. Those who dared to criticize the government or its war efforts risked imprisonment, effectively silencing and censoring many through intimidation.
It’s easy to think that such oppressive measures belong to the past, right?
Even in 2022, during the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests, many peaceful protesters were hosed down and tear-gassed by police. The same officers then acted like heroes for the media, covering up their aggressions.
Although some people rioted and looted, most were exercising their right to peaceful protest.

Rather than focusing on lawbreakers, enforcers targeted protesters. This led to police harming countless innocents in the process.
Because of situations like these, many people have come to expect ill will and aggression from police rather than protection and help.
To make matters worse, those who sympathized with police created a counter-movement called “Blue Lives Matter.” Much like “All Lives Matter,” it was designed to downplay the serious issues being raised by BLM.
Both counter-movements are still mocking people calling for justice and reform even today. Just look at the bumper sticker on the back of your conservative neighbor’s pick-up truck.
More recently, multiple laws have targeted the trans community, as well as cisgender women. Many were pushed by conservative, God-fearing politicians aiming to spread fear and misinformation to their audiences.
So, what’s their reason for removing vital protections? Some mythical sky daddy within the clouds?
Excuse me?
That’s completely ridiculous and fundamentally un-American. But it’s the only way they can get votes from the uneducated.
People who are genuinely educated know that lawmakers want control, prioritizing it over all else, including human rights.
Again, I don’t trust politicians or care what party they represent. They’re two sides of the same slimy and corrupt coin, deceiving others to get what they want.
Moreover, many politicians are over 60, so they’re making laws that don’t affect them while most likely dealing with cognitive decline.
If I have to choose between two evils, why would I support a convict (Donald Trump) who’s actively seeking to marginalize those, like me, within the LGBTQIA+ community? Especially when he uses his wealth and power to undermine the law and harm others.
Ultimately, you have a right to your own beliefs, but that doesn’t give you authority to impose them on others.
Our identities, the people we love and how we care for our bodies should never have been up for debate. Regardless of religious views, the separation of church and state is fundamental and must be respected.
Lastly, please vote, even if you don’t share my beliefs or feel like your ballot won’t make a difference. Just remember to consider the candidates’ policies and what they will mean for our future.