Year: 2021

College tests market for food trucks
Forest Park hosted its first food truck since the cafeteria closed earlier this year, and judging by the long line, students, faculty and staff liked it. […]

STLCC invests $45,000 in campus study pods
Many people at Forest Park had never heard of “Brody chairs” before this semester. The portable study pods made their way to all St. Louis Community College campuses in early October. Nursing student Nicki Allison is a big fan. […]

College weighs more demolition, construction
Chancellor Jeff Pittman has revealed some of the massive changes that officials are considering for St. Louis Community College campuses, including Forest Park. […]

Elevator closed after two workers stranded
It could have been anyone. But Forest Park housekeeper Michael Rice was the person in the cafeteria elevator when it decided to stop working in September. […]