Month: November 2020

COVID-19 surge moves classes online
St. Louis Community College has switched even more of its in-person classes to online or live virtual lecture due to a surge in COVID-19 cases in the St. Louis region. […]

Culinary students keep cooking despite COVID
Imagine learning how to cook through a computer screen. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way Forest Park students are training for jobs as chefs, caterers and other food-service positions. […]

Food drive to help needy students
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many Forest Park students to lose their jobs or see their work hours cut. That’s one of the reasons a food drive is being planned this month by employees in Academic Success and Tutoring, Campus Life and the Student Assistance Program. […]

THE BARBERSHOP: ‘Underground’ is profound and heartbreaking
If you’re looking for a TV show that will cause you to experience a wide range of emotions while also shedding light on the extreme atrocities this country was founded on, well, I’ve got just the series for you. But I will warn you, it’s not for those with weak stomachs nor weak minds. […]