By Markell Tompkins
The Scene staff
Is remote learning stressing you out? Are your classes getting more and more intense by the week? Do you need a tutor who can help either in-person or virtually?
If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” you’ll be happy to know that Forest Park has reopened and upgraded its Academic Success and Tutoring center in the lower level of the library building.
Tutors offer in-person or virtual sessions, according to Kimberly Crank, the center’s new manager. She started the job in February, only a month before all St. Louis Community College campuses closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We changed our name since then, from Academic Support to Academic Success and Tutoring because we thought it was more positive sounding, and it’s clearer to students what services we provide,” Crank said. “A lot of times students knew they needed tutoring, but they didn’t know Academic Support was the place to get it.”

The center reopened at the beginning of fall semester. It has a writing center, math lab, computers for general use and a “bone room” that nursing students use to learn about anatomy and physiology.
On a recent Thursday, students with tutoring appointments included general transfer student Dina Beaubiant, 23. This is her third semester seeking help at the center.
“If you don’t get something that your teacher is explaining to you, they show you a different way to actually find the answers,” she said. “It’s very helpful.”
As of Oct. 9, the center had provided virtual tutoring through Zoom to 363 students and in-person tutoring to 370 students at all levels of proficiency and from all departments.
“So few classes are on campus right now that not that many students come by,” Crank said. “But I think it’s important for us to be here for the ones who do need face-to-face help.”
The center has 25 tutors who help students with reading textbooks, understanding other course material, solving problems and using computers in general. They also provide feedback on essays and other writing assignments, whether they’re for freshman Comp 101 or an advanced Business Law class.
“I like to teach, and I like to share my experiences with students,” said tutor Dossah A. Edorh. “Teaching is not about the money. It’s about where you are.”
Students can make reservations for tutoring sessions by filling out a request form, either at the entrance to the Academic Success and Tutoring center or through the Navigate Student app. It asks which date and time you’re available and the name of the class with which you need help.
The center is in L-109. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesdays and 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fridays. For more information, contact Crank at 314-644-9270 or kcrank@stlcc.edu.