Month: October 2020

THE BARBERSHOP: College just isn’t the same during a pandemic
How strange is it going to school during a pandemic? Extremely. But as a future vocal performance major, I’m sure my opinion on the matter is a bit different from that of the average St. Louis Community College student. I was overjoyed when I was informed that all of my music classes this fall would have hybrid schedules. […]

New Wellness group gets off to a slow roll
As COVID-19 cases surge again and pandemic fatigue grips a weary country, a group of Forest Park employees have formed a Wellness Committee to help address the needs of faculty, students and staff in this challenging time. […]

Tutoring available, even during COVID-19
Is remote learning stressing you out? Are your classes getting more and more intense by the week? Do you need a tutor who can help either in-person or virtually? […]

Giant light walls will dominate new quad
Now that A and B towers are gone, Forest Park students, faculty and staff are wondering what the college is going to do with all that space. […]

Oct. 7 deadline for voter registration
Stacia Thompson will vote for the first time ever in the Nov. 3 general election. The 19-year-old psychology major plans to cast her ballot for former Vice President Joe Biden, a Democrat running against President Donald Trump. […]