Month: February 2018

Campus tunnel is closed for good
Forest Park has closed the basement-level tunnel between the theater building and D Tower, eliminating a shortcut for students, faculty and staff. […]

Former adjunct files suit over protest arrest
Former St. Louis Community College adjunct professor Steve Taylor has filed a lawsuit against a Florissant Valley campus police officer and the STLCC board vice president. The lawsuit claims that officer Robert Caples committed battery when he tackled and handcuffed Taylor at an STLCC board meeting on Oct. 19. Taylor was attending as a representative of a committee negotiating a union contract for adjuncts. […]

Activists: Get involved and keep fighting
St. Louis attorney Kimberly Turner was one of five social activists who showed up for a panel discussion at Forest Park last month to encourage students to get involved. […]

Play gives voice to refugees
Forest Park will celebrate International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month in March with a performance of “New World,” a one-act play about three refugee women from Afghanistan, Bosnia and the Republic of the Congo. […]

TASTE BUDS: Going nuts for almonds
Feb. 16 is National Almond Day! The tasty nut originated in central and southwest Asia, becoming a staple food that helped sustain long journeys of nomadic tribes, according to the National Almond Day page of PartyExcuses.com. […]

Student takes on governor in TV segment
KSDK news featured a Forest Park student in a recent segment on a Missouri budget proposal that could result in tuition increases and program cuts. […]