Month: April 2017

Fitness center gives employees a lift
Forest Park faculty and staff no longer have to sign up for physical education classes to use the fitness center. That’s good news for Hazel Nettles, an enrollment services employee. “There will be more people using the fitness center now because before you had to pay for it,” she said. […]

The Scene wins state awards
The Scene student newspaper won 25 awards at the Missouri College Media Association conference at Missouri Western State University in St. Joseph, Mo., earlier this month. […]

Russian student finds stability in U. S.
U.S.-Russian relations have been strained since last fall, when U.S. intelligence officials announced that Vladimir Putin’s government had hacked Democratic Party emails in an effort to help Donald Trump win the presidential election. […]

Need help with homework?
Forest Park has plenty of resources to help students succeed in college, and a big one is the Academic Support Center. Services include a math tutoring lab, a reading lab and a writing center. […]

College places police chief, two others on administrative leave
Forest Park students, faculty and staff still are digesting the news that Police Chief Richard Banahan has been placed on paid administrative leave […]