Month: September 2016

No cash? No problem
Forest Park students who need access to cash in their bank accounts while on campus got good news at the start of fall semester. ATMs are back. Two machines have been installed in the Student Center. One is in the hallway near the bookstore, and the other is in the cafeteria. […]

Website recognizes STLCC culinary program
Forest Park’s culinary program has been ranked ninth in the nation by Best Choice Schools, a website that ranks colleges and universities in a wide variety of categories. But circumstances surrounding the ranking are being questioned by the American Culinary Federation. […]

SGA is appointed, not elected
Only eight students applied to fill nine vacancies on Forest Park’s Student Government Association this fall, so the college opted to appoint all of them rather than hold an election. SGA normally has 10 members. President Chester Henderson is retaining his seat. […]

Students weigh in on election
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are neck and neck in national polls, but most Forest Park students randomly contacted by The Scene are leaning Democratic. Some see Clinton as the better of two bad candidates in the presidential election. […]