By Grace Dicker
The Scene staff
Diamond Jones greets everyone at Student Government Association meetings with a smile.
Her leadership style is inclusive and collaborative, according to SGA adviser Donivan Foster.
“She’s always been known to be ready to help,” he said. “She’s always pleasant and consistent.”
Jones, 20, is president of SGA, a six-member board elected by Forest Park students to provide a representative voice.
It also offers a variety of resources, sponsors campus events and develops programs to help students succeed.
“The main job that I have is making sure all the events are intact and making sure students are using the resources,” Jones said.
Resources range from scholarship money to counseling.
“I really want to make sure students know we’re here to help,” Jones said. “A lot of people don’t even know we have it.”
Jones graduated from Maplewood High School in 2013. She’s been a general studies student at Forest Park for two years.
Jones has always had a knack for getting things done.
When I was in high school, I was involved in leadership, and I wanted to continue it in college,” she said.
Like many Forest Park students, Jones also works in retail to earn extra money SGA meets at 3 p.m. every Wednesday in the Campus Life office to discuss issues concerning students and to plan activities and events. Some meetings allow students from other clubs and organizations.
When students bring up problems, SGA members try to find solutions.
“A few safety issues are worrying the students at night,” Jones said. “And older students are becoming more technology savvy and making sure they know about scholarship money.”
SGA also does community service.
“We gave back to the homeless by giving out bags of toiletries in November,” Jones said.
SGA Vice President Chester Henderson, 33, a human services major, speaks highly of Jones.
“She’s professional, fun and to the point,” he said.
Jones isn’t sure where she will earn her bachelor’s degree. She is applying for a Danforth Scholarship at Washington University.
Jones plans to go for a doctorate in biology and eventually become a pediatrician.
“I always wanted to be a doctor as a kid, and I love kids,” she said. “It makes me happy to be able to help and mend children.”
Outside of school and work, Jones’ hobbies include African tap, hip-hop dance and photography.
“My mom had me do dance as a kid and I loved it,” she said. “I do (photography) for fun. It’s a hobby. I chose to go the doctor route instead.”