The Scene staff

Beloved English professor Dan Yezbick is leaving Forest Park to teach on the Wildwood campus of St. Louis Community College in the spring.
He has taught at Forest Park for eight years and served six years as global education coordinator.
“Nestled in the cradle of nature, STLCC-Wildwood provides students with many unique learning experiences,” Yezbick was quoted as saying in a story on the college website. “I’m excited to work with students to help them bring their stories to life.”
Before Forest Park, Yezbick taught at Peninsula College in Port Townsend, Wash., and Parkland College in Champaign, Ill. He has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan and a master’s and doctorate from the University of Illinois.
Last year, Yezbick published a book called “Perfect Nonsense: The Chaotic Comics and Goofy Games of George L. Carlson.”
This year, he was instrumental in planting a community garden on the Forest Park campus.
At Wildwood, Yezbick is starting two new classes, Comics and Graphic Novels and Theater in Canada. The latter is a study-abroad course that follows the Stratford Shakespeare Festival of Canada and the Shaw Festival at Niagara on the Lake in Canada. It will be offered summer semester.