Lieutenants to handle daily police operations
Changes in St. Louis Community College law enforcement will give more responsibility to two familiar faces at Forest Park.
Police officer Adis Becirovic is joining Mark Williams as a co-lieutenant. […]
Changes in St. Louis Community College law enforcement will give more responsibility to two familiar faces at Forest Park.
Police officer Adis Becirovic is joining Mark Williams as a co-lieutenant. […]
Four-year universities send representatives to Forest Park to tell students what they have to offer, but it can be a lonely job. Miguel De Araujo, admissions counselor for Harris-Stowe State University, said eight to 10 students stop by his table in the second-floor lobby of the Student Center during his three- to four-hour visits. […]
Adjuncts at Forest Park and other St. Louis Community College campuses may unionize with the Service Employees International Union. Local SEIU representatives and an organizing committee of STLCC adjuncts (part-time faculty members) have been distributing literature and talking to other adjuncts in an effort to gain support. […]
The African-American Male Initiative is all about getting men to do the best they can in college. It focuses on black males, but other races aren’t turned away. […]
According to dictionary.reference.com, “courtesy” is defined as excellence of manners or social conduct; polite behavior. A courteous, respectful, or considerate act or expression, indulgence, consent, or acquiescence. Somewhere we have lost the simple act of common courtesy. […]
I’m a low-key Halloween celebrator. I haven’t put much effort into Halloween costumes since childhood. I don’t enjoy haunted houses or horror films. Real life is scary enough these days. I can get my adrenaline rush just by watching the news. […]
According to the website shootingtracker.com, 298 mass shootings had taken place in America by early October this year, the equivalent of one every 25 hours. A “mass shooting” is generally defined as an incident in which at least four people are injured by a gunman. The fact that this qualification involves such a high number is a big red flag. But what do we do about such senseless acts of violence? […]
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