By Brian Ruth
The Scene staff
The Forest Park Fine Arts Club is returning to campus to promote the visual arts.
“We want to cater to not only fine arts, but graphic design and any other artistic practice,” said Treasurer Darryl Reece, 19, a graphic communications major.
He studies drawing and painting but is expanding into concept art.
The club recently submitted a mission statement to Campus Life.
Its purpose is “to provide an atmosphere in which art students and enthusiasts alike may further their artistic pursuits, sharpen their skills, have fun and enjoy the company of like-minded individuals.”
Former fine arts department chair and club sponsor Yingxue Zuo spearheaded the effort.
“After talking to my students, I thought it would be a good idea to re-activate the club,” he said.
Zuo is an oil painter and printmaker. This year, he became director of the Gallery of Contemporary Art on campus.
Zuo earned a bachelor’s degree in 1982 from the Northeast Normal University School of Art and Design at Changchun in Jilin Province, China, and a master’s degree in 1990 at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Since Zuo directs the campus gallery, Reese hopes to showcase the work of club members, in addition to visiting artists.
“I have a few connections in the St. Louis art community, and I’d like to get a couple of my mentors to come in and do workshops,” he said.
Reece said the club also will work to install the Adobe Creative Suite on the computers in the meeting studio.
The club’s vice president is art education major P.J. Weakly, 22. She works at the Assessment Center on campus and is vice president of communications for the International Club and a member of the Disability Awareness Club.
“Art has always been a pretty critical part of my life,” she said.
The Fine Art Club’s current focus is membership recruitment. Officers are working with the Student Government Association to display a promotional banner in the Student Center.
The club is open to artists and non-artists, anyone who enjoys the visual arts.
“People can learn something, even if they are not practicing artists,” Zuo said.
Next spring, the club plans to host outings and gallery visits.
“Once the weather warms up, we are hoping to get people to go out (to Forest Park) and paint.” Zuo said.
The Forest Park Fine Arts Club meets from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. every Tuesday in F Tower, Room 415. Hours for the Gallery of Contemporary Art are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays in Room D-118 east of the library lobby.