The Scene staff
The time has come to write my last Editor’s Desk column for The Scene. I wasn’t sure what to write about, except to say that my decision to leave Forest Park and the student newspaper has been bittersweet.
In the past two years, I have grown as a person and learned more then I expected, about myself and where I want to go in life. Advisers Teri Maddox and Lane Barnholtz have been two of the key players in all of this.
I started working for The Scene during my first semester at the college, and I have enjoyed it a bunch, everything from late nights laying out the paper to trips across Missouri for conferences and office potlucks. It’s been stressful and fun. The staff truly has become a tight little group of friends.
My journey changed while in school, as I started out with plans to go into nursing. Then I met former editor Jake Lucas in the courtyard and heard about the student newspaper. My first assignment was a story about artwork stolen from the fourth-floor hallway.
Little did I know that becoming involved in this extra-curricular activity would cause me to change my major to journalism. I went from being a reporter to assistant editor to managing editor within a year.
But last year, I also started my own business, selling bath and body products, spices, coffees, teas and gourmet chocolates. It grew into something bigger than I could ever have imagined, so I decided to give it my full attention for now.
I plan to return to school down the road and finish my degree, but this new road I am traveling seems to have endless possibilities.
My “Nana” used to tell me to “Follow your dreams” and “Be anything you want to be.” But dreams can change at the drop of a hat. That’s one thing I have learned from this experience.
My dreams as a girl were to write and be successful, but I also wanted to be a nurse like my mom. So I enrolled at Forest Park, not knowing my first dream would come true almost
I accomplished a lot with The Scene, winning multiple awards for reporting and writing. I started a blog whose readers wait for my poetry and posts each week.
My career goal was journalism, and my business was my hobby. Now they will be reversed.
My favorite teacher at Forest Park is Ron Hughes. He is funny and just a great guy. I have learned a lot about myself just through journal writing in his classes.
I’m also reaching goals in my personal life. I am a mom of three beautiful children. My daughter is caring, and she does more than any other child her age I have met, on her own and with church, Girl Scouts and school.
My oldest son has won KMOV’s “Do the Right Thing” awards for two years in a row, for showing his classmates and school what it takes to be a good student and friend.
My youngest son has overcome many obstacles related to autism. He can now stand being at a park with other children and in a regular classroom. I am proud of my children, and I know they will be proud of me no matter what I do.
So as I leave Forest Park to focus on the next chapter of my life, I want to remind all of you to follow your dreams, never give up and always take chances.
It was just by chance that I met Jake, and by chance I came to The Scene. Thank you for all the fun times.