Claudia Perry goes through old papers while cleaning out her office on the second floor of the Student Center. (Photo by Garrieth Crockett)

Perry says goodbye to Forest Park

February 18, 2013

Claudia Perry started working in Forest Park community relations in 1985 as a substitute for a woman on maternity leave. The new mother decided not to return, giving Perry an opening. “I think I’d really like to have this job,” she told Vernon Crawley, who was president at the time. “I really like it here.” She sure did. Perry served as campus spokeswoman for 28 years. Her last day was Friday. She’s moving to the Cosand Center, which is St. Louis Community College’s headquarters near Busch Stadium. She’ll serve as coordinator of college relations. […]

Police Chief Richard Banahan advises students to stay aware of their surroundings. (Photo by Brandon Panosh)

College is “prepared for the worst”

February 18, 2013

Forest Park isn’t changing its strategy to deal with potential gun violence in light of recent school shootings in Connecticut and St. Louis. That’s because officials feel they already have strong procedures in place to protect students. “It shocks the system when you see something like (a school shooting),” said Police Chief Richard Banahan. “But it doesn’t change the plan. It’s a great plan.” The campus held an armed-intruder drill in April. Students and staff locked classroom doors and stayed out of sight. President Cindy Hess and other leaders also go through surprise exercises that test their ability to make decisions in a crisis. […]

Professor Ronald Henry gives a lesson on Malcolm X in his African American History II class. (Photo by Garrieth Crockett)

College focuses on black history all year

February 18, 2013

Camel Parks knew about the Rev. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and other legends in the Civil Rights Movement. But an African American history class at Forest Park has taught her about many other “unsung heroes” who struggled through everything from slavery to segregation. “There was just so much more to it, said Parks, 23 a journalism major. “What I learned in high school didn’t even come close. I didn’t realize how many people gave their lives.” […]

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Injured player tries coaching

February 18, 2013

The St. Louis Community College women’s basketball team has lost a key player due to injury. Sophomore guard Daytona Ball, 21, tore two ligaments in her right knee on Dec. 15, when she landed awkwardly during a game against Southeastern Illinois College. Ball underwent surgery and will be out the rest of the season. She insists the team will be fine. “I’m not the only leader out there,” she said. “Everybody on the team is a leader. We have to look out for each other, and we all have to step up big time.” The Lady Archers miss being on the court with Ball, their leading scorer, who averaged 20 points and 11 rebounds per game. They won three games and lost five in January. […]

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Play finds humor in baseball

February 18, 2013

Jeremy Connors faced a big challenge preparing for his role in “Bleacher Bums,” a play being staged at Forest Park this weekend. His character, Greg, is a Chicago Cubs fan who has been blind since birth. “It was hard playing this character because I had to adjust to playing a blind person and react differently throughout the play to things,” said Connors, 23, a business administration major. “Greg is a sensitive guy and not insecure about his disability. I can relate to this character’s passion for sports, especially baseball.” Connors is one of 10 cast members in “Bleacher Bums.” It takes place in the bleachers at Chicago’s Wrigley Field. A group of fans are watching a game on a summer afternoon. They’re drinking beer, eating hot dogs and making friendly wagers. […]

One college, four campuses

February 18, 2013

Students on the Forest Park campus of St. Louis Community College speak more than 60 languages. Nearly 80 percent of students at Meramec are white. Many students go to Florissant Valley to study engineering, and Wildwood is known as an environmental showcase. “Every campus has certain programs that only they offer,” said Tom Flynn, coordinator of deaf communications studies at Florissant Valley. “For instance, horticulture is only offered at Meramec, the restaurant and hotels hospitality stuff is only offered at Forest Park. […]

New Mexico artist shows work on campus

February 18, 2013

John Zimmerman uses his sculptures to make a connection between past and present. “I make contemporary objects, objects that are indicative of innovation, discoveries, science and general modern-day issues, and I give them the texture and glazing of geologic strata,” he said. […]

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EDITOR’S DESK: Good kids still exist

February 18, 2013

The older generation tends to criticize the younger generation for not being “good kids,” and often they’re correct. But sometimes parents are blamed for being absent or not disciplining their children correctly, which is not always the case. As a single mother, I agree that today’s children are mostly rude and disrespectful, and they act as if everything is owed to them. Very rarely do you see a child help an elderly person walk across the street or carry groceries to their door or car. […]

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WAKE-UP CALL: Let’s get serious about gun control

February 18, 2013

The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in December was traumatic and heartbreaking. It should not be downplayed by any means. My heart goes out to the families of the 20 children and six adults who were killed after a gunman opened fire in classrooms and hallways. Unfortunately, it took a crisis for the government to get serious about gun control. Once something catches the public eye, it’s suddenly urgent to act. Once America’s image is tainted, the clean-up crew is quickly summoned. Now it’s time to make changes, huh? All those children had to die before officials began considering preventive measures. […]

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SPEAKING OUT: Stop throwing stones at gay people

February 18, 2013

When did it become a crime to love?  Isn’t that a human right? Sometimes I feel discrimination is contagious, but a lot of people feel being gay is contagious. If a gay person sits next to them, stands close to them, or even touches them, they think they’re going to “get it.” The reality is, homosexuality is a way of life.  People are being themselves, so let them. If we live in a world where people aren’t allowed to be themselves, then something is wrong. I hear a lot of people say that the Bible says homosexuality is a “sin.”  But the Bible also says, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone” (John 8:7). Who’s to judge the way a person conducts his or her love life? A sin is a sin. There is not one person greater than the other, so let God do his job. He’s good at it. […]

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